how to help someone with night terrors
how to help someone with night terrors

Night terrors are a type of sleep disorder that can cause a person to feel terror and fear during the night. The person may scream, yell, thrash around, or even wake up from the nightmare in a state of panic.

If you know someone who suffers from night terrors, there are ways you can help them. In this blog post, we will explore some tips on how to help someone with night terrors.

From understanding the condition to providing support, we will cover everything you need to know to help your loved one get through this tough time.

What are night terrors?

Night terrors are a type of sleep disorder that can cause a person to wake up in fear or terror. The person may feel like they are in danger or being chased, and they may scream or cry out.

Night terrors can be very frightening, but they are not usually harmful.

Most people with night terrors are children, but adults can also experience them. Night terrors usually happen during the first few hours of sleep when a person is deep asleep. They may last for a few minutes or up to an hour. After a night of terror, the person may not remember what happened.

Night terrors differ from nightmares, which occur during REM sleep and usually involve scary dreams. Monsters happen later in the night; people typically remember them when they wake up.

Causes of night terrors

There are many potential causes of night terrors, as physical and psychological factors can trigger them. Some common causes include:

-Sleep deprivation is one of the most common triggers for night terrors, as it can lead to fatigue and increased stress levels.

-Stress: Both acute and chronic stress can trigger night terrors, as they can lead to an overall feeling of anxiety and unease.

-Medication: Certain medications, such as those used to treat anxiety or depression, can sometimes trigger night terrors as a side effect.

-Illness: Sometimes, night terrors can be brought on by an underlying medical condition, such as a fever or infection.

Symptoms of night terrors

Most people experience night terrors, or bad dreams, at some point in their lives. For some people, however, night terrors can be a regular occurrence.

Night terrors typically happen during the first few hours of sleep and are most common in children between the ages of 3 and 8.

Night terrors differ from nightmares in that they usually involve a feeling of terror or fearfulness and often include screaming, kicking, or hitting.

People who experience night terrors may also sweat, have a rapid heart rate, and breathe quickly. They may appear to be awake but be unresponsive to attempts to comfort them.

In some cases, night terrors can be triggered by stress or anxiety. If you regularly experience night terrors, talk to your doctor about ways to manage your stress and anxiety levels.

How to help someone with night terrors

Night terrors are a type of sleep disorder that can cause a person to wake up in fear or terror. They may scream, thrash about, or even have hallucinations.

While night terrors can be scary for both the sufferer and witnesses, they are not dangerous and usually only last for a few minutes. If you know someone who suffers from night terrors, there are some things you can do to help them.

If you witness someone having a night terror, try to stay calm and reassure them. Do not try to restrain them, as this can increase their anxiety.

Once the episode is over, help them back to bed and encourage them to relax and return to sleep. If night terrors are disruptive or cause distress, it is best to consult with a sleep specialist who can provide further treatment options.

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If you think someone you know is suffering from night terrors, there are a few things you can do to help. First, try to stay calm and reassure the person that they are safe.

Help them relax by breathing slowly and deeply with them. You can also try to gently wake them up if they seem to be in distress. Finally, make sure to talk to their doctor so that they can get the help they need.

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How do you calm someone with night terrors?

Night terrors are a type of sleep disorder that can cause a person to wake up in a state of panic or fear. The person may scream, thrash around, or even attempt to run away. If you’ve never experienced night terrors, it’s hard to understand how frightening and debilitating they can be.

Fortunately, there are some things you can do to help calm someone who is experiencing night terrors. Here are a few tips:

  • Stay calm. It’s important not to panic or get agitated, as this will only worsen the situation. Speak in a soothing voice, and keep your body language relaxed.
  • Try to wake the person up gradually. Gently shake their shoulder or call their name softly. Avoid sudden movements or loud noises, which can startle the person and worsen the night terror.
  • Encourage the person to breathe slowly and deeply. This will help them relax and hopefully start falling back asleep.
  • Stay with the person until they fall back asleep. It’s essential to provide support and reassurance during this time.

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Why shouldn’t you wake a night terror?

One of the most important things to remember about night terrors is that the person experiencing them is not awake. That means that trying to wake them up can make the situation worse.

The person may become more agitated and violent if they are woken up from a night terror. Letting them ride it out is best until they naturally return to sleep.

Can you talk during night terrors?

Most people experience the night or sleep terrors at some point in their lives. Night terrors are a type of sleep disorder that can cause intense fear and anxiety during the night. Sleep terrors typically occur in children between the ages of 3 and 12, but they can also occur in adults.

Night terrors differ from nightmares because they happen during deep sleep instead of REM sleep.

People who experience night terrors may not remember them when they wake up. However, night terrors can be just as frightening as nightmares. Symptoms of night terrors include:

  • screaming or crying out during sleep
  • thrashing around in bed
  • sweating
  • Rapid heartbeat
  • fear of death or harm
  • opened eyes that have a glassy stare

If you see someone having a night terror, staying calm and waking them up gently is essential. Do not try to shake them awake or restrain them, as this could make the situation worse.

If the person wakes up, they may be confused and disoriented. It is also common for people to feel tired and drained after a night of terror.

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Jacob Brown
Hi, I'm Jacob Brown and I'm thrilled to be your go-to source for all things related to sleep on As a seasoned sleep expert, I've dedicated my career to helping people achieve optimal sleep and improve their overall well-being. With several prestigious prizes and awards under my belt, I take immense pride in being recognized for my expertise in the field. I am also the proud author of numerous books that delve deep into the intricacies of sleep and share valuable tips to ensure a restful night's slumber. Having spent years studying the science of sleep and its impact on health, I bring a wealth of knowledge and insights to my work. Through my expertise, I aim to guide and empower individuals in maximizing their sleep quality, overcoming sleep disorders, and establishing healthy sleep routines. Beyond my professional achievements, I value connecting with my audience on a personal level. I understand the impact that sleep has on our daily lives, so I approach my writing with empathy and a genuine desire to help others. Whether you're struggling with insomnia, looking for practical sleep tips, or simply interested in understanding more about the fascinating world of sleep, you've come to the right place. I invite you to join me on this journey to unlock the secrets of quality sleep and wake up refreshed and energized each day. Welcome to the community!